
Okay, so here is my dream about the baby, it is fairly sad.  So I wouldn’t be suprized if you started crying.

Like the other night, I had this dream were I was talking to this guy at a resturant, and we were talking then i was like, hey, I have to go to a football game. And he was like, okay.  Then, I went to the football game and there was this really cute baby boy there, so I was playing with him.  And then the SAME guy comes in and was like, That’s my baby.  And I told him I was going to keep the child.  Then we went to a bed room and there were our lawyers there desciding who was going to keep the kid.  But before it was over The guys husband came in and was like, Did you get to keep our child?  And I was like, WHAT?! you mean adoped, right?  And he looked at me and said no!   So, then I got custity of the kid, and Erma came in and was like, nicole, run, you need to go away from here.  So I went into the bathroom and a cuple mintes later, Dlyan and Nolan came in and tryed to steall the baby.  I started crying.  And then I woke up.

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